A Note From our Writers – Dec. 2020
Dear Reader—
In this issue, the writers were tasked with bringing their imagination and wildest musings to paper—from the Moon all the way to the fleeting nature of human thoughts.
We need more writers like this… writers who are ready to explore new, difficult, or even fun topics.
Giving Voice wants to provide creative minds (like yourself!) with a place to share your ideas freely and openly. Writing for this publication requires devotion—not just to the issues and to fellow writers, but to yourself. We have a place for you here, whether your voice takes the form of music, writing, videography, or photography. We are so excited to be producing content during times like this. We are all hoping that Giving Voice will challenge us and shape us into the best writers we can be. The team puts a lot of time and attention into crafting these articles and we hope you will
enjoy them.
Are you ready to join us?
Trent Miles