by Ayannah Garcia
“Tis the damn season.”
Inspired by ‘Tis the Damn Season’ by Taylor Swift
Winter is coming
Some might say it’s already here
With the orange and red leaves barely on trees stunning
The sheer sight of it makes me cheer
With Thanksgiving out of the way, it’s time to sing
Time to turn on the fire and sit with crossed knees
The flicker of a candle and loose shoestrings
The time when there are no more bees
Warm winter drinks and soft cookies
Bundles of blankets make you snuggly
Family and friends feel like goodies
Gosh, I love winter!
Gilmore Girls on its last episode
Sleeping in ‘til two in the afternoon
Looking at the frost covering the road
The vibes in the air make me swoon
Different holiday movies fill the day
While we put up the ornaments on the trees
And every day feels like a Friday
I’m sure you would agree
Sadness lingers like warmth on a cold night
Loneliness creeps in the house in the dark
Soon fireworks will be in the air at midnight
And colder than winter in a park
The end of autumn comes with the happy and sad
Joy and depression are a package deal
Along with the jeans and plaid
It just doesn’t feel real.
About Ayannah Garcia
Ayannah Garcia is a freshman attending Richwoods High School, where she takes part in the Pre-IB program, the Royalettes dance team, and the drama club. Outside of school, she loves to dance, read, journal, travel with family, and play with her dog. In addition to these activities, she is currently a member of the Finale Group of the Greater Peoria Illinois Chapter of Jack and Jill, an organization for young African American individuals who want to serve the community, and a member of her church’s youth group.
Art by Qaasaani Little
Qaasaani Little is a freshman at Richwoods High School. Little is a member of Student Leadership Team and Student Council. She has loved art for as long as she can remember, including painting and drawing. Little’s artwork is for sale. She also loves animals, after school activities, and is inspired by her mom for always pushing her to do my best.