by Karma Henderson
Dysfunctional is love
Love is Dysfunctional
Pulling me this way and that
How do I decide what’s best for me
He says this, he says that
But what does she say?
Nothing until it’s too late
Hearts broken
Tears fallen
With no one to wipe them
Alone is peace but
You’ve changed everything
Within me
Now my peace is you
Please be tender with it
For she has been damaged
Just now healing with much left
Just be true it’s all I have
Nothing else to lose
But you
For I have giving all I can give
Please be tender
I give you my damaged heart in exchange
I ask for honesty, love, affection, wisdom and understanding
I hope I’m not askin’ too much
I don’t think I am
But I think he does
But here I stay still giving my all
That’s why
Love is dysfunctional.
Karma Henderson

Karma Henderson is 16 years old. She hopes one day to be a radiologist. Her interests are photography and helping others.