Mariam Couri is a 17-year-old student from Peoria Notre Dame High School. She plans on studying Elementary Education in the fall. Couri loves creating art—especially ceramic pieces.
Judy Garland, formerly known as Francis Gumm, was a famous movie star from the mid-twentieth century and a major influence on the motion picture industry. She starred as Dorothy in the first full-color motion picture The Wizard of Oz and performed in Hollywood for forty-five years. She struggled throughout most of her adult life with an alcohol and drug addiction. She eventually died of a drug overdose in 1969. Judy Garland inspires me because although she dealt with many personal demons throughout her film career, she was still able to perform unique roles and opened up many opportunities for other women in Hollywood. I chose to represent her as a small child on the moon looking up into the sky to signify her hope for her future. She has her whole life ahead of her and she appears hopeful and is not afraid to achieve her dreams.